Saturday 28 June 2014

Snap n Shop 1.1 apk free download

Snap n Shop


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Snap-n-Shop is the perfect companion to your weekly flyers. Using this very simple-to-use app, you can create a list of stores and a list of items in those stores by simply taking snapshots of your flyers. There is no typing, sorting or organizing necessary. You simply point and click.

 This app will help you save money on your weekly shopping by remembering the specials you need and which stores have them. The app is designed to work in conjunction with any printed flyer. They can be from your grocery store, electronics store, pharmacy, furniture store, household store or any store that distributes a circular.

Snap-n-Shop is designed so you don’t have to type anything when you create your list. Unlike other shopping apps that require a degree in business administration and computer science to use, Snap n Shop has only one feature.


That’s it!

Annoying Features we don’t have:

X Annoying ADS!

X Database of millions of items to browse through. You have better things to do.

X No custom directories or subdirectories or sub-sub directories for all lists or categories. 

X No search and filter favorites to help you build a complicated multilevel lists. 

X No history to confuse you with your shopping life story. 

 No voice search to slow down the app and embarrass you in public.

X No sync of your lists with our website so that the world can know what to market to you.

X No item details to type in and waste your time.

Just simple shop and save today!

Features we do have:

- Simple to use interface

- Create a store category with a snapshot of a flyer logo

- Create an item that you want in that store with a snapshot of flyer item

- Swipe right to delete and item

- Swipe left to delete all items

You’re done!

Don’t look for other complicated features that waste your time. We don’t have them. Just look at a flyer, snap and then shop.


Download .apk

It 's Easter 1967, about a month since the untimely death Lane s His death hangs like a cloud over the agency or haunted like a phantom, if you prefer download Snap n Shop 1.1 apk . Of course, nobody has processed really the trauma, or even really trying Don dealing with his emotional pain in the same way was he s trying to eliminate this toothache: by pouring Canadian Club Lane suicide memories of memories of his brother, Adam fate, and he is, quite literally, see Adam anywhere in the elevator, to department at the dentist office.

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